Monday, August 02, 2010

Postcard from the Grand Canyon

I believe I mentioned previously that I am adding new images and new categories of photos to my Web site…almost on a daily basis. Over the weekend, I worked on images from the South Rim of the Grand Canyon. Although I had several pictures from there already on line, I took them all down and started over. I only want the best of my images available for viewing.

That Grand Canyon South Rim section is now finished and available for viewing. Twenty-five of my best images from there now on line. This is one of them.grand_canyon_2

It is a side canyon off the main canyon, but further east from the main section of the Grand Canyon that most people see. It was taken in Autumn of 2007 on my very first trip there.  I love the two trees in the foreground set against the red rock of the canyon in the background.

Today and tomorrow, I will be finishing up photos from the North Rim of the Grand Canyon and will add a new section to my Web pages just for them. Stay tuned.

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