Monday, August 23, 2010

Postcard from Tucson

Sometimes you just have to do something crazy and different…and when the opportunity shows up, you just grab it and run.  So it is with this abstract image.  abstract_flower

This is not one of my paintings and was not done in any painting or artsy software. It was done totally in Photoshop with a little help from some of the software’s built-in controls...taken to the extreme. 

I should probably let you guess what the original image is, but I will tell all. It is a small, unusual flower I photographed up-close with a green background of mostly grass. I am sure it was taken near Leavenworth, WA. I am sorry I don’t know the type of plant, but it is quite unusual.

I won’t explain the process I went through to get this, other than I accidentally tweaked a wrong control slider and liked what I saw. So I continued playing for a while till I settled on this final image. I like it, but you may not. It was just fun to do something totally different and a bit off the wall. Your comments are always welcome. 

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