Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Postcard from Yosemite

There is an old expression, “When in doubt, go back to Yosemite.” Actually, it is not that old as I just made it up. But I came across this photo and realized I had never shown it here in this blog.  Strange, as it is one of my favorites. I actually have 24x30 print hanging on the wall of my hallway.yosemite ribbon falls

The photo was taken in the Spring of of 2006, a year that had a melting snow pack 25% higher than normal. In the foreground is the Merced River flowing fast and high.

To the right is El Capitan, the largest single piece of granite in the world. It soars over 3,000 feet above the valley floor.

And to the left is Ribbon Falls, a lovely waterfall that only flows in spring. If memory serves, it the largest single drop waterfall in North America.

This photo works because of the myriad of colors displayed, and, of course, the beautiful subject matter. It was taken in late afternoon so you get a little more red light in the image than if it were taken in midday.

I would love to get back there in the Spring again…in fact I would love to get back there at any time of the year.

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