Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Postcard from the Grand Canyon

This photo was taken on the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. I spent about an hour out at Bright Angel Point trying to get some good sunset shots of the canyon. I recall the wind was blowing quite ferociously that afternoon making life difficult...and the sun was playing peek-a-boo with the many clouds that dotted the sky that day.grand_canyon_3

Finally after taking all the photos I could (hoping I would get one good one) the sun disappeared for the day. I walked the rocky trail back toward the North Rim Lodge and came across a few interesting trees silhouetted against the partly cloudy sky. This was one of them: a slightly crooked tree at a 45 degree angle, hanging over the canyon.

I thought it was a good image, especially with the lit clouds behind it. In post processing, I added the dreamy filter to the image that I mentioned here recently. Besides a dreamy effect, I think it adds some ghostly qualities to the picture that I really like.

It’s another one of those images that you must always be on the lookout for. I realize that places like the Grand Canyon can overwhelm you with its beauty, but don’t forget to look for those smaller photo opportunities that you find everywhere you go.

If you would like to see a couple of the other trees I photographed on this sunset walk along the Bright Angel trail, plus some other spectacular views from the North Rim of the Grand Canyon, please head over to a new section of my Web site that I just put on line today. 

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