Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Postcard from Venice – Ponte Rialto

I worked on my art this past Memorial Day Weekend. By that I mean the digital paintings I create from my original photographs. Long time readers know I spent some years on the art road selling my work at shows and was pretty successful at it.ponte Rialto

Admittedly, I’ve not done as many new paintings as I thought when I retired here to Tucson. But, Tucson is a town of many charms that keep me busy…and during that time I’ve added many new photos to my collection from many different trips. Some of these will turn into paintings as I once again pick up my digital paintbrush.

I started this painting of the famous Rialto Bridge that spans the Grand Canal in Venice sometime ago…then let it sit, while I decided over time, as is my custom, if I liked it or not. And, frankly, I forgot about it…until I came across it this weekend.  And guess what…I still like it!  I put some finishing touches on it and marked it complete. It is being seen in public here for the first time.

I remember taking the photograph on my last trip to Venice, knowing I wanted to paint it. Rather than photograph the bridge from higher up or from further down the Grand Canal, as has been done so many times over the centuries, I decided to shoot it from water level close-up.  I was inspired by a watercolor by John Singer Sargent, done from this same point of view.

I hope you like it also.  

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