Friday, June 11, 2010

Postcard from Yosemite

It’s Spring, 2006 in Yosemite Valley, before the tourist season begins. In the valley, the waterfalls at running 25% above normal as the winter snowfall was way above normal.  There are waterfalls everywhere, most with nolower yosemite falls names. They will be gone in a couple of weeks, but they are there to enjoy now.

This waterfall does have a name…Yosemite Falls…specifically the lower portion of this landmark feature of the valley. The trail to the falls is an easy one from a parking lot. On the way, you can see all of the falls framed by trees.

When you arrive at Lower Yosemite Falls, you are standing on a bridge. For most of the year, you can stand here and leisurely take all the photos you want.

But on the this day, the mist from the falls is so intense, I had to stand with my back to the falls, quickly turn and snap a photo, then turn immediately to wipe off the camera and lens. I did this about three times and prayed that I had a good shot.  I did…all three actually.

This is one of them, done in Ansel Adams-style black and white (of course, since I am less than a mile from his Yosemite studio). I hope you like it.

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