Monday, June 07, 2010

Postcard from the High Sierra

I took this photo on Lee Vining Creek, about 1/3 of the way up towards Tioga Pass on Highway 120 from Mono Lake. I was camped out near here for a couple of nights before heading up the mountain to the pass and the Yosemite High Country.  Obviously it is autumn, late October actually. lee vining creek

Water reflections was one of the subjects that fascinated the Impressionist painters. They worked hard trying to capture this visual phenomenon with brushes and paints.  It is a little easier for the photographer. What we try to do is frame the image in such as way the you see not only the interesting abstract reflection, but a little of the shoreline (like the rock in the foreground) so you, the viewer, can put the scene into perspective.

By the way, you may have noticed lately that the photos here are larger than in the past.  Thank Microsoft for this. They recently upgraded the Windows Live Writer software to make photo sizing  and positioning much easier.


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