Friday, June 25, 2010

Postcard from Tucson

As you might guess, it is very hot this time of year in Tucson. As I write these words, it is 105 outside, heading for 108. Yesterday, it hit 111…and there is no end in site. What all this means is I get to spend a lot of time inside, some of which is spent creating new digital paintings.old_courthouse

That is very true of this new work titled, “The Old Courthouse.” It only took me two days to complete it with no false starts. I knew what I wanted to do and I did it right out of the box (so to speak).

This is the old Pima County Courthouse, located here in downtown Tucson. It is called the old courthouse because in the 70’s the county built a new multistory courthouse very close by.  It is not as pretty as this one, especially when the spring flowers are blooming.

Incidentally, the old courthouse (built in 1931) is no longer used as a courthouse, but it still retains the name. It is currently used by Pima County for office space for various functionaries.

One of the interesting facts about downtown Tucson is that the modern multi-storied building are mixed right in with old Tucson, which contains some beautiful historic buildings from the city’s past. I will shortly begin painting some of these old buildings, so stay tuned.

If you are ever here, take a self-guided walking tour of the downtown area to see the old and the new together. (Be sure and stop at El Charro for the best Mexican food you ever ate.)

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