Friday, May 28, 2010

Postcard from Tucson – More Tohono

tohono-3 I had such nice comments on my last blog about Tohono Chul Park, that I thought I would share two more flower photos from there.

The first flower is I believe, some sort of Amaryllis (always remember when I discuss flowers, I seldom know what I am talking about). Such beautiful, large blooms that easily fill a frame.

The second photo is a cactus flower that I am totally unfamiliar with. I have never seen this type of flower before. Tohono Park contains a wide variety of cactus from all over the world, so it may be one of the exotic ones from parts unknown. I just thought it was worth a click of the lens.tohono-4

By the way, my thanks to reader Jo Falls who identified all the flowers from my last blog. I was correct about the Mexican Daisy, but the cactus flowers were from a Claret Cup cactus. The unidentified purple flower was actually an Arizona Thistle. My grateful thanks to Ms. Falls for helping me with my botanical identifications. If she would like to help me out with these two photos, I would be very grateful.

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