Thursday, May 29, 2008

Picture of the Day - Wine on the Porch

There is a cabin in British Columbia where I used to go to unwind and practice my photographic skills. It is called "The Gatehouse" and is located on Kootenay Lake, a few miles south Kaslo. The peace and quiet is beyond description and the scenery in the surrounding area is magnificent.

The cabin has no TV or telephone. Cell phones don't work. There is a radio that gets one station, the local CBC channel. I seldom turned it on. For relaxation I had some books and my laptop to do some writing. The Internet was out of the question, of course. Life was simplified this week, and I truly loved it.

Late one afternoon, after a day of relaxing and photography, I was sitting on the front porch of the cabin, drinking a glass of wine, snacking on some nuts, and reading a good book. The light turning slightly red as it always does this time of day. My camera was nearby, so I just got up out of the chair, grabbed my camera, and shot this scene.

Then, I put away the camera, sat back down, and continued reading. But, this picture captured everything that this time in Canada meant to me. I can't look at it and not think about how peaceful and simple life was for this all-to-short week.

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