Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Picture of the Day - Reflection Lake

This has become one of my favorite images. Reflection Lake lies inside Mt. Rainier National Park. If you have been there, you know how it got its name. From the lake shore, you have an unobstructed view of Mt. Rainier, and, if the wind isn't blowing and you have the right light, you can take a picture of the entire mountain reflected in the water. I have done that as have millions of other people.

But, in this image, rather than making the mountain the focus of the image, I let a stream of sunlight coming through the trees and highlighting the red-leafed flowers be the main subject. Mt. Rainier, in this case, is only a secondary element of the picture. Your eye goes right to the red flowers, then the trees. It is only after a few seconds that you come to realize that Mt. Rainier is also in the picture.

This is my way of seeing Reflection Lake, a different way than most photographers would approach this scene. It is part of technique that I nicknamed "Looking Down." It means instead of just focusing on the big scene or panorama, try to also focus on the small things that make up only a part of the whole. You would be surprised what you can find when you make a conscious effort to look. Like the Grand Canyon photo I shared a few days ago, Mt. Rainier is only a bit player...important, yes, but only in a supporting cast role.

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