Thursday, May 22, 2008

Picture of the Day - Power

This image was photographed a few years ago up in near Grand Coulee Dam. I was up there on business and as I came out of an office and headed for my car, I was greeted with this amazing sunset. Fortunately I had my camera with me.

If there is one positive benefits to forest fire season, is that smoke from these giant fires can provide some amazing sunsets. And that is what happened here. The sun is a red ball and the clouds and sky reflected some amazing red light. At first I wasn't crazy about shooting through power lines (most photographers hate them when they are in a picture), but then I realized I was near the dam, so power lines are an important part of life up there and, frankly, the picture would not have been all that good without them.

The picture's title comes from three sources...first the obvious power lines, then the immense power that emanates from the sun, and finally then the power of the massive forest fires that can spread smoke so very far.

This original was shot on 35mm slide film, then scanned into my computer. Very little extra work was needed.

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