Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Pictures of the Day – Playing with Filters

Every once in a while, I like to play with all kinds of different filters and plug-ins that I have installed in Photoshop. I don’t normally show them as I prefer showing the image as it presented itself to my camera.

But today, I did some playing and really liked the results, so I am compromising my normal policy by showing you both the original photos (which I also like very much) and the new filtered version.

The picture is one I took at Siesta Lake in the Yosemite High Country. Siesta Lake lies right along the Tioga Road. It is much more a pond than a lake…and in fact when I was a young boy and camped with my family in the high country, this pond didn’t even have a name. It was just a pond that we passed on our way to our camping site.

The first picture is the original imaged processed normally in both Adobe’s Lightroom and Photoshop. The second image is one I did using a plug-in from Tiffen that offers all kinds of filters, each with hundreds of variations. Tiffen’s plug-ins are digital simulations of their glass filters that go in front of film camera lenses.

There was just something I really liked about this second image…probably the introduction of more blues and reds. I may do more of this fun filtering in the future and share them with you, but will always showing you the original image also.


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