Friday, January 23, 2009

Picture of the Day – Leavenworth

A short time ago, I wrote a couple of blogs about Tombstone, Arizona. In one of them, I called Tombstone, “Leavenworth with Spurs.” It occurred to me that many of you who read that blog have never been to Leavenworth, nor seen any pictures of it.

So, I decided to show you one of my favorite pictures of Leavenworth. I took it about 3 years ago. The building you see has a cuckoo clock just towards the top. You can see the doors as they are about ready to open. When the clock strikes at the top of the hour, a cuckoo does not appear, but rather music plays and some Bavarian dancers (statuettes of course) come out and twirl around. Its kind of fun and first-time Leavenworth visitors just love it.

But, I love the picture because of the clouds in the sky and the flowers in the foreground. Again, as I have explained here before, the photo works because you have a foreground, a middle ground and a background…and the eye flows smoothly through the progression.

Hope it pleases you.

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