Monday, January 05, 2009

Picture of the Day – Dead Tree in the Needles

Sometimes you just get lucky. You get the right light, lots of color on the ground, a great sky with clouds, a good subject, and a good background. That is what happened here.

This was taken early in the morning while I was in The Needles section of the Canyonlands National Park. My photo guidebook said the best time to photograph the Needles themselves was early in the morning, just after sunrise. I headed out on the trail, which fortunately was directly across from my campsite.

After hiking on desert ground, scrambling over large rock formations and even going through a cave, I eventually got to a great location to photograph the Needles at sunrise. But, there were plenty of great photo opportunities along the way…and this was one of them.

Like I said, all the elements are here for a very good photo. All I had to do was compose the subject effectively in my viewfinder…and I believe I did. One thing I remember about this morning was that it was the first time in many, many days that I had clouds in the sky. And I took advantage of it.

On this entire trip, I photographed many dead trees in many settings. I think they make for interesting subjects as elements in a quality photo. You will see more of them over time. But, for now, enjoy this one.

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