Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Postcard from Rice–Abandoned!

This is a new painting I finally completed after many stops and starts. I took the original photograph back in the summer of 2007, knowing full well I wanted to paint it as I’ve done with other old, abandoned trucks…except in this case, I could never get it quite to the end version I wanted. Well after several failed attempts, I finally completed the painting…and I am happy with it.

The truck was located in an field near Rice, WA. There is very little to the town of Rice…a post office mainly. It is quite rural and is located along Highway 25, many miles north of Davenport, WA along the shores of Lake Roosevelt and not far from the Canadian border. I found Highway 25 to be a hotbed of abandoned old trucks like this one, as well as interesting old barns.

I have some great memories of this area and some interesting adventures along the way. Someday soon I will share some of them with you. But, for now, just enjoy the painting.

(To see a larger version of this photo, just click on the image)

To see more of my work, both in photography and digital painting, please visit my website,

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