Friday, July 15, 2011

Postcard from Chicago–Macaroni

I couldn’t resist showing you this image of a macaroni noodle, or should I say and Macaroni and Cheese noodle. I laughed when I saw it sitting in a park at the entrance to Navy Pier. And that is the perfect place for it.

As I said before on a previous blog, Navy Pier is where Chicagoans go to have fun…its like the the boardwalk in Coney Island…lots of things to do including carnival rides, games, colorful carnival-type food vendors (like the Billy Goat Café), rides onto Lake Michigan in various vessels (my friend Susan and I took and hour’s ride on sailing schooner), theaters, and more.

Since it is such a fun place, having a sculpture like this one only makes sense. When taking photos at places like Navy Pier, never ignore the little thing that are part of its makeup.

Now if you look in the upper right corner of the photo, you will see Chicago’s 2nd tallest building, the Hancock Tower. On the very top floor is a wonderful restaurant and bar, where I ate a great lunch and got to see Chicago from on-high. As you might guess, I took some pictures while I was up there, including one of Navy Pier. At the bottom of this blog you find that picture…it is not one of my best by a long shot as the lighting was terrible that day…but at least you know know what Navy Pier looks like. The Hancock Building is one of the few places where you can photograph it in its entirety.

Have a great weekend, everybody…and thanks for taking the time to read my blog.

(To see a larger version of this photo, just click on the image)

To see more of my work, both in photography and digital painting, please visit my website,

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