Friday, September 02, 2011

Postcard from Chicago

Well over a year ago, I showed you this image as part of a series of images about my day in Wrigley Field. In looking at it the other day, I decided to improve the original photo by doing some additional post processing. What you see is result of this work. I encourage you to click on the image to see a larger version. I like this image so much more now…In fact it is shortly going up on my wall.

Every time I look at this photo and others from Wrigley Field, I think about that very special day when I took a three hour tour from top to bottom of that great sports landmark. The baseball and football history that fills the place is overwhelming, especially to a fan like me. I grew up loving both sports and never in my wildest imagination could I see myself being at this place…but I eventually did. Somewhere in the top 50 moments of my life, this day is in there.

The light that day outside was terrible, so most of my images of Wrigley are just so-so. But they do make for great memories. But this picture, inside the Cubs dressing room is, by far, the best from that day.

And to think I came within a cat’s whisker of not getting in here. Wrigley Field tours are only given when the Cubs are on the road. They were due back the next day, which is why the locker room looks ready to go. However, if any Cub player is in the dressing room on tour day, you are not allowed to go inside.

At the start of the tour, which began in the right field stands, our guide announced that there was a player in the dressing room, and if he was still there by the time our tour was ready to visit there, we would not be allowed in. Turned out the player was being sent back down to the minor leagues and was there to clean out his locker…and the good news was that he had left by the time we got there. Otherwise, I would have missed this photo opportunity. Whew!

Anyway, it was a great day, and even if you are not a baseball fan, I hope you like this image. Have a terrific Labor Day weekend.

(To see a larger version of this photo, just click on the image)

To see more of my work, both in photography and digital painting, please visit my website,

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