Monday, September 05, 2011

Postcard from Prescott

Prescott, Arizona is a small town (not real small) about 95 miles northwest of Phoenix. Of course since  North and West of Phoenix, that means it is in the mountains. In fact, it sits at an elevation of around 5,300 feet. What I learned on my last visit was Phoenix area residents flock to Prescott in the summer to escape the Phoenix heat.  In fact, as I write these words, it is 106 in Phoenix and 75 in Prescott. Of course, at that elevation, it gets quite a bit of snow in the winter.

The original city is built around the very large courthouse. Downtown is quite charming and fun to explore. There are many old Victorian homes in the hills and some great beautiful parklands all around the area.

Just west of downtown is a beautiful rose garden built among some very old settler cabins. It is here that I found this old wagon. As you know, I often focus in on a small part of an object or place to go for something more artistic. I was intrigued by the shape of the wheel and the wildflowers growing over the lower part of the wheel. To me, it symbolizes that the era of the horse-drawn wagon is over, which, of course, it is. This is one of those images that tells a story without any words.

And that should be the goal of most every photo you take. Even portraits should tell you a story or a least create an atmosphere of time and place. I think I achieved that here. And by focusing on only a small part of wagon, I let the viewer’s imagination fill in the rest.

Ah…the joys of art!

(To see a larger version of this photo, just click on the image)

To see more of my work, both in photography and digital painting, please visit my website,

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