Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Postcard from Yosemite–The Other Side of Fern Springs

A couple of weeks ago, I showed you a photo of Fern Springs taken on the east side of the creek. This is what Fern Springs looks like from the other side. Of course, since I only moved the camera a few feet, what is the big deal, you ask?

Well the biggest difference is that the first image was done using HDR techniques…meaning five images were taken and combined into one. This image was done from a single exposure. I think you would have to agree they are pretty close in quality, although there is a difference. Whatever the case, I like both photos and am sharing both with you. As you may recall, Fern Springs is considered Yosemite’s smallest waterfall.

I’ve talked a lot about HDR photography lately, and with good reason. It’s a new and different way to create fantastic images. If it is something that might interest you, there is no better source of info on it than the tutorial done by Trey Ratcliff available on his “Stuck in Customs” Website. Trey is the master of HDR photography, and if nothing else, you will enjoy looking at his photos. Another good source for HRD info is the Pixiq Website.

Just a quick note, if you noticed a change in quality in the images shown here lately, its because of a new trick I learned that makes absolutely no sense at all. For as long as I have done this blog, I posted the image directly from my computer to the blog…which makes sense, of course. Well I began noticing a slight blur in the images when they hit the Web site. After doing some research, I found I was not the only one who had this complaint.

One of the folks suggested putting the image up on Flickr, then using it from there to paste into the blog. Since I already have a Flickr account, I tried it…and as much as it makes no sense, it works. So now you can get a better copy of my images. Remember this tip if and when you decide to create your own photo blog.

Currently I am in the process of sending all my best images up to my Flickr account. Feel free to see what I have posted there so far.  More to come. Also look for some huge changes coming shortly to my personal Web site.

(To see a larger version of this photo, just click on the image)

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