Monday, June 20, 2011

Postcard from Oakland–Reflections

What happens when you set me loose in a big city with camera-in hand? Simple…I start shooting interesting photos of buildings as part of my “Photographic Studies of Architecture” Project. Here are two buildings in downtown Oakland…one reflected by the other.  Sadly, I cannot tell you the names of the two buildings as I was too busy at the time to ask. So, just enjoy the image as it is. Again, I am focusing on line and form…and I think I have successfully created an interesting image. But don’t stare at it too long as you will get dizzy. Just kidding.

Since this photo is in black and white, I thought I would pass along a tip or two on that subject.  Black and white is not as easy as you might think…in fact it is in many ways harder than color. It is helpful when you compose a photo to think about how it would look in black and white. I always do this when photographing architecture. Color can be a real distraction in bringing out the power of an image. 

A recent article on black and white was published in Digital Photo Magazine entitled, “Thinking in Black and White”…It might help you get started. There are some good tips here.

Another interest article can be found on the Digital Photography School Web site, titled, “Key Ingredients for Black and White Images.” I found this one especially informative. As long as I have been involved in photography, I continue to find new good info on a wide variety of subjects. I will be passing some of them along in the future. Photography is a never-ending learning process…as are all forms of art.

(To see a larger version of this image, just click on the photo.)

To see more of my work, just head over to my Web site.

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