Thursday, June 16, 2011

Postcard from Yosemite


This is Lower Yosemite Falls, photographed and processed using HDR techniques. A few weeks ago, I showed you an image from the same falls (with a rainbow) that was not done with High Dynamic Range (HDR) techniques because of the tremendous amount of mist coming off of the falls.

Here, several feet to the left of where I shot the rainbow photo, I found a location that was sheltered from the mist. I was able to set up my camera on a tripod and shoot the five exposures necessary to create an HDR image in the digital darkroom. Sadly, one cannot see the rainbow from this vantage point, but I think the foreground and the HDR effects more than make up for that.

Using five exposures and because the falls were still mostly in shade, I was able to capture more details for the falling water. In fact, you should remember that when shooting your own photos of waterfalls. Water details are lost when the falls are in bright sunlight.

It was very special to visit Yosemite Valley this year in May because of the higher-than-normal winter snowfall that filled the waterfalls to overflowing. There was so much snow, in fact, the the high country roads, like the Tioga Pass Road, are only now just opening for traffic.

Please feel free to share this photo or use it in an electronic greeting card. It is free. Just use the buttons below the photograph.

(To view a larger version of this image, just click on image.)

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