Monday, June 27, 2011

Postcard from Tucson–Arches

There are so many ways to look at the same scene…and so many approaches to architecture…just like life itself. So it is with these arches. They are part of a walkway at the Old Courthouse in downtown Tucson.  Back in March, I shared a picture of this same walkway. As I was intrigued by the walkway as an element of style in architecture of the building…but also found I was especially fascinated with its old Spanish-style arches. While I set out initially to photograph the entire walkway, I also wanted to experiment and capture the arches by themselves.

I photographed at different angles, trying to capture their special individuality rather than as a part of the whole.  And this was my favorite shot. It was done with the camera held at an angle, as sometimes good architectural photos are. And while the original photo I shared in March was in color, this image had to be in black and white. I knew that when I snapped the shutter.

Looking at the arches, it seems as if they repeat themselves almost to infinity. The lines and form flow on and on. In this photo, as in many others I look for patterns, lines, and repetitions. I think I found them. 

Compositionally, while the first arch is partially cut off at the top, the mind fills in the missing parts. An object doesn’t necessarily have to be shown in its entirety. Consider that when you are working with your own camera. While it is important to know the rules of composition, don’t be afraid to break them when it works.

This photo, of course, is part of my on-going studies of architecture that I’ve been featuring here from time-to-time. I find it to be endlessly fascinating and challenge for my artistic eye…especially when trying to narrow my range to graphic design elements.  If you are interested in doing some architectural photography, or trying it out, I recommend a short, but informative article on the subject in Popular Photography Magazine.

There is also a more comprehensive article on the Website titled, “How to Photograph Architecture.” Still, another article is, “A Guide to Architectural Photography.” My favorite article on the subject, “Architecture Photography: Beauty of Interior and Exterior Designs,” is not so much about reading as it is seeing so many photos that illustrate architectural design in a more focused, artistic manner. Well worth spending a little time exploring these beautiful photographs. 

(To see a larger version of this photo, just click on the image)

To see more of my work, both in photography and digital painting, please visit my website,

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