Thursday, June 02, 2011

Postcard from Oakland


On my recent trip to Northern California, I did more than just photograph Yosemite. As you may remember from some of my recent blogs, I’ve been doing some architectural studies…photographing bits and pieces of interesting buildings wherever I can find them.

A friend of my brother’s suggested I go to downtown Oakland to photograph the  recently-built Catholic Cathedral. So one lovely afternoon, my brother Dave and I drove into downtown Oakland to see it and other buildings of architectural interest.

Our first stop was the Catholic Cathedral, appropriately named The Cathedral of Christ the Light. I say appropriately as it is almost entirely glass on the outside. On the inside of this nearly circular, but mostly vertical structure, are wooden louvers that let in more or less light as deemed appropriate. It is a treasure trove of images waiting to be made by anyone interested in architecture.  To try and describe the inside would be impossible as it is utterly breathtaking. I will show you more photos in the future, but you may also read more about it at their Website. It is a fascinating read.

The image here is of the ceiling. It was one of the first things I noticed and photographed. From their Website, there is a photo of it at night, all lit up in an an intricate weave of lights and color. But even without the lights, I found it a lovely study of line and form, perfect for my architectural collection. I hope you agree. (And yes, it does look like a football)

There will be more images now and then from my trip to downtown Oakland and definitely more from this Cathedral. Stay tuned…

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