Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Postcard from Tucson


How well we all remember the date 9/11. It was a day that changed our lives forever. Last Saturday was the 9th anniversary of that terrible tragedy…at it was memorialized all across the country…including here in Tucson.

That same day was also the opening home football game for the University of Arizona. There were plenty of pre-game ceremonies inside the stadium. But as I was leaving the student union on my way to the stadium for the game, I came across this wonderful and moving memorial on the plaza near the administration building and the student union.

Hundreds of small U.S. flags formed the numbers 9-11, and the whole scene was surrounded by thousands of more little flags. It was quite beautiful and I am glad some folks at the university put this together.

I am sorry the picture quality isn’t better. I used my small little Canon point and shoot as it was the only camera I had with me. It can’t hold a candle to my Nikon DSLR that has taken most of the photos you see in this blog. But, it did catch the spirit of the moment, and for that I am grateful.

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