Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Postcard from the Arches


This photo is of Delicate Arch, arguably the most famous arch in the Arches National Park. It is depicted on the Utah state auto license plates and was once on a stamp commemorating Utah’s statehood. And, I was surprised to learn that the Olympic Torch passed underneath it on its way to the 2002 Winter Olympics.

Getting to Delicate Arch is a strenuous 3-mile round trip hike that scores of people make every year. I will admit I was not one of them. These old legs are not quite as great as they used to be and I had just completed a long hike in another part of the part.

If you continue down the road past the trailhead, you will wind up at a viewpoint where you can see the arch quite clearly, which is where I took this photo. But, I got lucky with some nice light at sunset, and with the help of a long lens, I made this image. At that moment in my life, I was happy just to have this view.

Although Yosemite remains at the top of my favorite national parks, the Arches is in 2nd place. I hope to go back soon, as there are over 2,300 arches in the park and I have only seen a few of them.

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