Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Postcard from Zion

For a couple of weeks, I have been putting together a collection of my favorite photos to put on my Web site. Currently I have selected 60 of them, most of which have appeared here at one time or another. No doubt that list will grow.zion-2

It has been a labor of love, sort of, as I had to label and price each photo individually…a tedious job at best. But the first 60 are on line now, if you care to take a look.

In putting the first 60 together, I added this one just today…and realized it has never appeared on these pages…so I present it here for your approval.  I call it, “Autumn as in a Dream”…as it has a dreamy feel to it. Of course, it is by design, using a special filter that is part of my arsenal of digital toys.

As my headline says, I photographed it in Zion National Park a few years ago. I was fortunate to catch the tail end of autumn, so most of my photos from there have an “autumn feel” to them. I look forward to more photographic adventures this coming autumn…and, believe me, it can’t come too soon!

In the meantime, on these hot and muggy summer days, I continue to work on my Web site, making lots of changes and additions. More about them as they unfold.

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