Monday, July 19, 2010

Postcard from Autumn

autumn pathI took my morning walk around 5:45 this morning. It was 85 degrees with the humidity of 51%. I do this nearly every morning…and every morning, when it is over, I am greeted by the wonderful cool air of my A/C…and I am in for the day. Contrary to some misconceptions, the heat of Arizona in July and August is not dry…no, no, no…it is the monsoon season when we get rain, lightning thunderstorms, and humidity to accompany our heat.  As I have said before, it is the price we pay for 8 months of great weather.

But there is a positive side to this…I get spend more time creating new paintings. And it is only natural that I select subjects that reflect a cooler time of year. Similar to the autumn leaves painting I showed you last week, this is another painting with an autumn theme, this time on a slightly larger scale.

It is titled, “Path Through Autumn.” The original photograph on which this painting is based, was taken just outside Leavenworth, WA in October 2005.  I remember walking this path wearing a warm coat as it was quite cool that day…perhaps in the 40’s. That sounds so nice now, being that it is 106 outside as I write these words. 

I have such great memories of autumn in the Northwest, so it is only natural I continue to look for ways to enhance those memories through my creative abilities. Don’t be surprised if you see more autumn paintings in the future.

By the way, Leavenworth offers a wealth of beautiful autumn scenery and if you are ever in that area in October with your camera…or your paint brushes, definitely take the time to express your own creativity. I promise you will not be sorry.

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