Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Picture of the Day – Fire Hydrants

Just a quick one today as I am working on my new Web site layout. It is coming along nicely and should be up on line in a few days.

I took this picture on Sunday in Prescott. It is actually in the rear alley of a place called the Old Firehouse Plaza…a collection of restaurants and art galleries in what was an old firehouse. You could not tell it by looking at it today.

But the deep red color scheme you see here pervades the entire structure. It is too bad these decorated old fire hydrants are hidden in the alley as they are one of the most interesting aspects of the whole town…photographically anyway. Regardless, I like the picture. Hope you do also. By the way, don't forget you can always click on my photos and see a larger version.

Editors Note: This note is for those of you who get my blogs via e-mail. One of my faithful readers notified me yesterday that he was receiving junk e-mail from someone who was using my GoogleGroups account, the one I use to distribute both my blogs to subscribers via e-mail. I too had received the same junk mail, but hadn’t noticed its source. I scoured my GoogleGroups membership list and found the person responsible and immediately banned them for life. So, you should not be receiving any more junk mail from some slimeball named Rachael. My apologies for not catching this sooner.


TomboCheck said...

Ahhh, but those fire hydrants lie along the side adjacent to the parking garage where a majority of people park before heading into the firehouse plaza. :-)

Anonymous said...

I agree with most of your points, however a few need to be discussed further, I will hold a small conversation with my partners and perhaps I will ask you some suggestion shortly.

- Henry