Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Postcard from Soap Lake – Making it Better

I shared this photo with you some time ago…but I want to share it again today because I think I have made it better.

As I’ve said here before, I am always experimenting with new filters and techniques in Lightroom and Photoshop. I was doing that very thing today while working on my new Web site. Specifically, I was picking out some of my better photos to display in a slide show on one of the new pages.

I came across this lovely double rainbow just north of Soap Lake, WA. And having recently discovered with some new filters and effects, I decided to try them on this image. Well, I am so pleased and excited with the results I wanted to show you today. You can click on the image and see it in a larger size. Recommended.

So, I hope you will forgive me for showing you the same image twice…but this one just shines (forgive the pun).

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