Friday, February 20, 2009

Picture of the Day – Rocks in Water

You may notice a distinct similarity of this image to the one I published yesterday. That is because it is the same picture, only this time the rocks are sitting in a pool of water.

Actually, they are not. I used a new plug-in filter called “Flood” to put in the water and reflection. It isn’t really there although I must say it looks awful darn good.

As I said yesterday, I had to fix my broken Photoshop, but instead of just fixing it, I installed the brand new Photoshop CS4. It was a laborious process as I had to reinstall all of my plug-ins and filters one at a time. In doing so, I came across this “Flood” filter that I had never used before. So I decided to install it and play. And this is what came up. I did a few enhancements to it as there are many controls that are included with it.

I used the same image as it was a simple picture, with lots of color, and it was very handy to pull up and use to test all the plug-ins as I installed them. I have done a few more “enhancements” with other plug-ins and maybe I will show you one of them the next time. Hope you don’t mind.

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