Thursday, February 19, 2009

Picture of the Day – More Rocks

Sorry that is has been a few days since my last blog. But, my computer just got back from the shop on Monday and I have had a few technical issues with it since. The main problem I had was Photoshop not working properly. But, I have that fixed today, so was able to work on an image for the blog.

In honor of the huge Gem and Rock show now going on here in Tucson, I chose this image that I took last year in Quartzite, AZ…another town that also has its own rock and gem show (not as big as Tucson, however).

If you have a good memory, you know that several months ago I ran a similar image of rocks, but this one is different. I enjoying seeing all the various colors of rocks all mixed together. I hope you also like it.

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