Monday, May 21, 2012

Postcard from Yosemite

If you follow me via this blog for any length of time, you know I don’t do a lot of wildlife photography…in fact, almost none. But, I could not help but photograph this little fellow while hanging around Yosemite Valley on one of my many visits.

This is a Steller’s Jay, often mistakenly called a Blue Jay. You will find them all over Yosemite, especially if you are eating. You see, these birds will get real close and let you take their picture…if, of course, you drop them a tasty morsel of whatever your eating. The more you give them, the closer they get. So you don’t need a long lens to get a good picture…just a quick trigger finger to catch them while still. They like to move their heads a lot.

Actually, they are a very smart bird and are a bit fussy about what they eat. Many, many years ago, I was on a picnic in the valley with a girlfriend and were feeding the jays. I decided to have a little fun and dip a small potato chip into some very spicy horseradish dip. The little fellow snatched it up and took off. A few minutes later, while wondering how he liked the dip, he flew back and dropped the chip and dip…right on my head. True story. And yes, my friend and I had a good laugh. So watch what you feed them.

There is another reason I showed you this photo today. A few days ago, a fellow artist, photographer and friend, who specialized in wildlife photos, passed away from pancreatic cancer. Don Graham, who lived in Moses Lake, and I did several art shows together each year in various Northwest locations. He was a good friend, a nice guy and I am sad at his passing. Because of distance, I am even sadder that I cannot attend his memorial service. Rest well, Don. 

(To see a larger version of this photo, just click on the image)

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