Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Postcard from Eastern Washington

Highway 25, the road from Davenport, WA to the Canadian border is filled with abandoned trucks like this. They are everywhere. I shared some of their images here before. And this is just another one, left for dead in a lonely field.

Still, as I drive by each one of them, or, in this case, stop and take a photograph, I wonder how it got here to its final resting place. And why here? Why not a wrecking yard? Why by the road? And of course, how long has it been here?

Each abandoned vehicle has its own story, serving their owners for many years, then abandoned and left for dead. Now, its only purpose is to rust among the weeds and bushes that surround it. Without shelter, it must survive the best it can while being pounded by wind, rain, and snow. No doubt it gives shelter to many small animals. At least it has some purpose. 

The motor is gone, the flatbed in back is gone, doors and windows are gone...all that's left is a hulk...a remnant of a once new and proud vehicle that did its job to the best of its ability. But, it had one more purpose in its long sit and wait for someone like me to make a picture of it...turn it once again into something beautiful, and bear witness in writing to the fact that it once was special to someone. Maybe someone will remember me that way when I have served my purpose in this world and moved on to the next great adventure.   

(To see a larger version of this photo, just click on the image)
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