Monday, May 07, 2012

Postcard from Tucson

Downtown Tucson is very much mixed in with Old Town Tucson. It just happened that way. Here you will find Tucson's tallest structures next to a historic Spanish Hacienda home. They are just intermixed. 

This sign is from the 1950's and is still in place, even though the hotel is long since gone. No one would dare take it down as it is an historical landmark and loved by the locals. Although the hotel is gone, the building has been renovated and now contains law offices. And though the sign cleverly advertises a pool, it also is long gone, having been filled in back in the 90's. 

So, pretty much everything about the hotel is gone...but the sign still survives...a remnant from the historic golden era of motor travel. 

It seemed like a perfect image to render in black and white.

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