Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Postcard from Leavenworth

Recently, I told a friend of mine that I really miss seeing Iris growing all over town. She replied that if I want to see Iris, just go down to Trader Joe's. Sorry, not the same thing. Now don't get me wrong, I love the variety of flowers that grow here, but I do miss certain flowers that flourish up north...and of all those, its the Iris I miss most.

Fortunately, I have a very large collection of Iris photos taken over the years...a few of which you may have seen here in past issues. But I wanted to publish another one with a little bit of a twist. Since the Iris is so tall and slender, I decided to crop the picture in a long and slender mode. I think it turned out well. 

I found a poem about the Iris, oddly enough written by a member of the Tucson Area Iris Society (I guess that means there may be some Iris flowers somewhere around here besides Trader Joe's). It says pretty much how I feel about this beautiful Spring flower.

Iris, Most Beautiful Flower

Iris, most beautiful flower,
Symbol of life, love, and light;
Found by the brook, and the meadow,
Or lofty, on arable height.
You come in such glorious colors,
In hues, the rainbow surpass;
The chart of color portrays you,
In petal, or veins, of your class.
You bloom with the first in Winter,
With the last, in the Fall, you still show;
You steal the full beauty of Springtime,
With your fragrance and sharp color glow.
Your form and beauty of flower,
An artist's desire of full worth;
So Iris, we love you and crown you,
- Edith Buckner Edwards
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