Monday, May 14, 2012

Postcard from Oxford

I call this photo "Tyrannosaurus Rex Mans the Information Desk." And that is where the bones of this ancient dinosaur are...right above the information desk of the Oxford Museum of Natural History. This was not meant to be one my artsy pictures, but rather one of wonder and humor. After all, it is the only photograph I have of T-Rex. 

The Oxford Museum of Natural History is a unique experience as it houses countless specimens of animals past and present. From dinosaurs to butterfly's, they are all here waiting to be viewed. Intertwined with this museum is the Pitt River Museum, named after General Augustus Pitt Rivers, who collect thousand and thousands of anthropological items from all over the world. 

There are two museums (both built in the 1800's) as 19th-century thinking declared it was very important to separate objects made by the hand of God (natural history) from objects made by the hand of man (anthropology). Today, one is not sure where one museum begins and the other ends as they are so intertwined. Wouldn't that scandalize those valiant thinkers of the 19th century.

Besides T-Rex, the museum has the only complete skeleton of a single Dodo. Its true that other museums have complete skeletal remains of Dodo's, but they are made up of several individual Dodos. I bring this up because a fellow named Charles Dodgson used an artist's painting of this Dodo as a character in one of the most beloved books of all time. You see, Charles Dodgson's pen name was Lewis Carrol and the book is "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland."

I have a few more photos of the the place which I shall share in the future.  

(To see a larger version of this photo, just click on the image)
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