This massive aircraft is the SR-71A Blackbird Long Range Strategic Reconnaissance Aircraft, on display at the Pima Air and Space Museum here in Tucson.
Its job was to fly military and CIA spy missions from 1964 to 1998. There were only 32 of them ever built, only 20 of which survived. 12 were lost to accidents and none were ever lost to enemy action. It could fly as high as 80,000 feet at speeds of Mach 3+. If a ground missile was ever fired at it, it could easily outrun it, which probably explains why none were ever lost to enemy action. It once flew from from Washington to Los Angeles in just over 64 minutes.
The Pima Air and Space Museum houses hundreds of aircraft from all over the world. A few have been featured here in this blog. A few more will be featured in the future. For a sneak peak at some of them, check out the brand new section of my web site entitled, “Weapons of War.” Here you will find some of my best photos of aircraft from the Pima Museum as well as a tank and missile launcher from the Yuma Proving Grounds…all artistically rendered, of course.
In case you are wondering, I did play with the above image a fair amount using Photoshop and a couple of plug-ins. I was going for art, not accuracy. Hey, I am allowed to have fun! In any case, I am very proud of this image and happy to share it with you.
For more, very in-depth information this airplane, check out the Wikipedia Article on the SR-71.
(To see a larger version of this photo, just click on the image)
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