Friday, October 14, 2011

Postcard from Oregon

I photographed this image on the Oregon Coast back in January of 2001. Since it was taken over 10 years ago, you can probably guess I used a film camera, not a digital one. The name of the piece is “Infinite Beach.” Since the beach and the sky seem to go on forever, I think it is an appropriate name. I love how the clouds flow parallel to the white sand beach.

Sadly, I cannot remember where I took it, but my best guess is that it is somewhere along the Central Oregon Coast, but I won’t swear to that. Like many good images, I got lucky with the light and the sky. I was worried when I got here (wherever here is) that the clouds would block the setting sun and it would not get a very good image. But, as luck would have it, I got enough of a sunset peaking through the clouds to make it a very special photo.

I have been having fun lately going through some of my old digital images scanned from slides…and updating them with my latest photographic tools. As the technology gets better, so do some of my images. Still, no matter how good one’s tools are, good images are made in the camera, whether it is film or digital. After that, Photoshop and other similar tools can only enhance and improve what is there. Bad images are still bad images no matter how many computer tools one has.

I miss my occasional trips to the coastlines of Oregon, Washington and California. Being in Tucson, my closet beaches are in Mexico…and you know I am not going there.

(To see a larger version of this photo, just click on the image)

To see more of my work, both in photography and digital painting, please visit my website,

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