Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Postcard from the Cascades


Beautiful Leaves Of Autumn

Lovely memories of the Autumn
Appears once again in life
With yellow, brown, red and green
Leaves of life that scattered and survived

When bitter sweet nostalgic story of life
With shadow and shine appears
And spreads its beauty and its grace
Under which the long path of life disappears

Disappears under the joyful burden
And loads of the beautiful fallen leaves
That dance all around and sing with smiles
The lovely song of Autumn brief

For God has made this lovely season
A source of love, peace and cheer
In which we get another chance
To shed the burden of pain's layer

And this is the magical and pretty season
In which we can joyously gather sunshine
And enjoy lovely breeze that blows all around
And call it the gift and bliss of divine

For the lovely dry leaves of Autumn bring
Beautiful colors like the blooming Spring
Where red, yellow, brown and green is seen
With God's grace and love and beauty's ring.

Seema Chowdhury


(To see a larger version of this photo, just click on the image)

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