Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Postcard from British Columbia

Back in the 1990’s, I used to go up near Kaslo, British Columbia, Canada to a unique cabin just to rest and relax. I would go for a week to 10 days just to unwind, relax, and take photos. This cabin was special in many ways as it was off the beaten track and right on Kootenay Lake. I loved going there…sometimes alone and sometime with my friend Susan.

Most of British Columbia is all mountains, and Kootenay Lake is set between the Selkirk and Purcell mountain ranges. Just a few miles north was the town of Kaslo, which I have written about here before. Go a few miles south, and you can take the toll-free ferry across the lake to Balfour.

But no matter what I did during the day, I always got a glass of wine and sat out on the front porch in the late afternoon to enjoy the scenery and read a book. One day, I just got up from my chair, grabbed my camera, took this picture, then, I immediately sat down and continued my read.

Of course, being in the 90’s it was shot on film…no digital then. But I always loved this photo as it reminded me of good times, relaxation, and peace and quiet…which is why I went there.  There was no radio or TV or phone or even cell service . In the evenings, I would cook dinner, listen to some classical music on CD’s I brought with me, and read some more. I was isolated in perfect peace and contentment. How often has that happened to you?  

(To see a larger version of this photo, just click on the image)

To see more of my work, both in photography and digital painting, please visit my website,

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