Monday, March 07, 2011

Postcard from Tucson–Wishing for Spring


It won’t be long now…it’s early March and Spring is about to be sprung. Here in Tucson, it feels like Spring already…temperature in the 70’s and low 80’s, plenty of sunshine, baseball underway…but no flowers yet, like the ones you see in this photo.

I shot these lovely flowers last year in early April at the Tohono Chul Park here in our fair city. That park is dedicated to Southwest plants and flowers and no doubt I will be out there again in a couple of weeks. I showed you some of the flowers from there last year. But, like most of you, I am getting impatient for the real Spring to kick into gear again.  If you live in the north climates, you must be more than ready.

Don’t ask me the name of these flowers as I don’t have a clue. Remembering the names of flowers is not my strong point. So I just enjoy the beauty they bring to our lives…and thanks to photography, I can enjoy them all the time.

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