Thursday, March 12, 2009

Picture of the Day – Twisted Sunset

Here I am again playing with various filters inside Photoshop to create another twisted image. This was originally a post sunset photo I shot from my trailer site near Leavenworth, WA.

I was aiming up into the sky using the most wide angle lens I had, so the trees were out of skew anyway. But the colors in the sky were so wonderful, that it almost didn’t matter…and the colors you see here are real.

But since everything was a bit out of skew anyway, I decided to take it further with one of my “Flexify” filters. I hope you don’t mind.

Sorry I haven’t written more here lately, but Tucson has kept me very busy in the last couple of weeks. This is an amazing place, at least for me, and I will be sharing more about it in some upcoming blogs.

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