Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Postcard from Tucson - Those Fabulous Arizona Sunsets

This is my only third trip to Arizona...the first actually was just over a year ago. On my second visit last January, I was told by a few people that sunsets in Arizona were usually quite beautiful. And you know what, they were right! I would say that at least 60% of the days I have been here ended in wonderful sunsets.

Now, I know I just wrote about sunrises and sunsets in recent blogs, but having witnessed some of the most beautiful sunsets I have ever seen, I thought I would share a few of the photos I took on these occasions.

A few weeks ago when I first arrived in Yuma, I was talking to my brother on the phone when an amazing sunset began to unfold. I told him to hold on a second and called my daughter-in-law Jill to come outside to see this incredibly beautiful sunset. See came out, saw it, and said, "Oh that happens all the time here," and headed back into the house. I was surprised at first by her supposed lackadaisical attitude to what I perceived to be a once-in-a-blue-moon event, even though she has lived a great portion of her life in this great state. Since that day, I have seen many of these fabulous sunsets myself and can understand why she takes them for granted.

It almost seems that the hand of God goes to work almost every night to arrange this spectacular show. You could have a cloudless day all day long, then all of a sudden, clouds appear in the west in the general vicinity of where the sun will set. When the sun goes down, they light up like a fire in the sky for quite some time. At this point, I just can't stop taking pictures because the show gets better as each minute passes. When it is finally dark, you look up into the western sky and those wonderful clouds are all gone. Then, 24 hours later, the whole show begins all over.

It is just great to be here in Arizona and anticipate the end of each day and what wonders it will bring. If you look backwards in my blog you will find other sunsets I have photographed in Arizona. One of my favorites is of the sunset at the famous mission San Xavier del Bac taken last January.

The first photograph shown here was taken just last night in the Santa Catalina Mountains, about 10 miles north of Tucson. The second photo was taken a few days ago in Madera Canyon, about 40 miles south of Tucson. The third photo was taken in the open desert just a very short way from my son's home. I look forward to more sunsets here.

None have been enhanced digitally other than to apply a small amount of clarity. No saturation was applied. These images are what I saw.

PS - It also helps that we have great weather almost every day.

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