Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Picture of the Day - Fins with an Arch

It's late in the day and I am ready for bed. But, I wanted to send at least one photo along this day before I retired. This was one of the many fascinating rock formations found in Arches National Park. The formations are called fins and off in the distance you can see an arch has formed on one of the fins. I like this photo since it was one of the few times on this trip to southeastern Utah that I got a few clouds in the sky. Can usually make for a more interesting picture.

A quick note for my friends in Eastern Washington. I see you are being hammered by cold weather and snow. I hope you are all surviving it. As for me, it was 70 degrees here in Tucson today, but mostly cloudy. May actually have some rain tonight. See, it is not all sunshine and fun down here. Stay warm.

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