Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Postcard from Southern Utah - Two Views of Church Rock

I was driving north on Highway 191, hoping to get to The Needles in Canyonlands National Park before sunset to set up camp. According to the map, the turnoff to the park was at something called Church Rock. Many miles before the turnoff, at least according to my GPS unit, a large rock formation came into view off in the distance. I couldn't tell the size of it, but instinctively knew it was very big.

By now, I was used to seeing large rock formations in Arizona and Utah, but this was a big one in a very interesting round shape. I wondered at the time if this was Church Rock, and, of course, it turned out it was. But, I drove for many miles seeing the view that you now see in the first picture. I was impressed and knew I wanted to take its picture. So, I stopped very near and took a few images. By now, my GPS unit showed the Canyonlands turnoff just ahead.

I jumped back in the car and headed just a little ways further, then made the left turn towards the park. As I headed down the 34 mile road to The Needles, I glanced in my rear view mirror for one more look at Church Rock. What I saw took me by surprise. What I supposed was a very large round rock, had morphed itself into a huge elongated rock reminiscent in shape to the Sphinx in Egypt.

I turned the van around and drove a little ways back the way I had come to take a quick photo, which is, of course the second photo you see here.

I know this is not an interesting story, but my surprise at the true shape of this rock is worth telling. I don't know anything about the true dimensions of this rock other than it is very big...and I wonder how deep the cave is that you see in the first photo on the lower left side of the first picture. Any answers you may have about this big ol' rock in the desert would be appreciated.

Anyway, that's my story and I am sticking to it.


Anonymous said...

Friends would share recipes - Jack Daniels turkey sounds pretty darn good. Never met Mr. Daniels, but went out with Johnny Walker once - never again!

Hendon Harris said...

Thank you for taking the time to share this story of the two views of Church Rock. Yours is only the
3rd posted picture I've seen of the
north side of the rock. I believe
that Church Rock was ultimately intended to provide a 360 degree
incredible view like the one you saw for miles as you approched. It
was carved to be a Buddhist temple/
stupa but it was never finished. The north sloping side was intended
to be carved away but they never completed the job before the site
was abandoned. For more information on this google "Stupa
Rock Utah" and "along highway 191
in sourthern utah church rock"

Hendon Harris said...

What is that dark green area just to the south of Church Rock? Remember that this is desert.
Google: "wikimapia church rock" for
a satellite view. For a better view use Google Maps.
Could it possibly be the result of
a higher level of ground water and or wells which are recharged by
a ancient man made water diversion system bringing water from the wash? Peters Wash