Thursday, September 11, 2008

Picture of the Day - Steps

I took this picture a few years ago in Cannon Beach, Oregon as I was leaving town. I like the shadows on the stairs and the way your eye starts at the bottom of the stairs and works its way to the top...just as if you were climbing them.

Once again, the use of two dimensional lines gives the feeling of depth. When you are taking a photograph, you must always remember that you are looking at the subject in a three dimensional world, but the camera is recording the image in two dimensions. As a photographer, you must do your best to visualize how a scene will render itself in two dimensions...not always the easiest thing to do. So, whenever possible, look for lines or curves that will give your image depth. Digital cameras with their flat screens do make that somewhat easier.

The other reason I like this picture is that it proves you don't always have to take your pictures in the "magical light" hours of dawn and dusk.

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