Monday, September 22, 2008

Picture of the Day - Autumn Leaves

Welcome to the first day of Autumn. What better way to celebrate than a picture of some Autumn leaves. Seriously, I took this image practically right outside the front door of my travel trailer in Icicle Valley last year.

Of course, it is a little early for these kind of fall colors, but in a couple of weeks, it may start to unfold. Autumn color can be good or bad, depending on a whole lot of factors. Let's hope it will be good this year.

By the way, a good friend of mine who lives in California, but was born and raised in Maine, came up to visit a couple of years ago during the best part of our Autumn colors. He drove from Seattle to Ephrata on the Highway 2, which took him through the Eastern Cascades and Leavenworth area. According to him, Maine has no bragging rights over us on Autumn color. Having spent several Autumns photographing the colors, I believe him.

I can't wait to see what will unfold this year in the Icicle Valley.

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