Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Postcard from Wrigley

As the baseball season officially gets underway this week, I couldn’t resist re-publishing the photo I took in the dressing room of the Chicago Cubs. Obviously, they were not playing this day, but I got lucky that the room was all set up for the game the following day.

Baseball is my second favorite sport, just behind football. I bought myself a large HD TV for Christmas and last month order MLB TV over my Roku Box. So now, I can watch almost every baseball game being played in hi-def, right in my living room. As a lifelong Giants fan, you know I will be watching them a lot.

Last night, I watched Yu Darvish of the Texas Rangers pitch a perfect game against 26 batters…giving up the only hit to the 27th batter he faced. So close, but yet so far. I felt bad for him. But, for sure, the 2013 baseball season is underway.

Every time I look at this photo from Wrigley Field, I think about that very special day when I took a three hour tour from top to bottom of that great sports landmark. The baseball and football history that fills the place is overwhelming, especially to a fan like me. I grew up loving both sports and never in my wildest imagination could I see myself being at this place…but I did. Somewhere in the top 50 moments of my life, this day is in there.

If I sound like an over-the-top sports fan…let me assure you I am not. It does not dominate my life. Its just one of the many things that keep happy and entertained…like movies, and  good books. 

Gotta go now, there is a Yankee/Red Sox game about to get underway.

(To see a larger version of this painting, just click on the image)

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