Monday, April 01, 2013

Postcard from Northeast Washington

I call this digital watercolor sketch, “Brokeback Barn.” It is somewhere along Highway 25 in Northeastern WA State…I can’t remember exactly where. If you like old barns, this scenic highway is for you! It runs from Davenport all the way north to the Canadian border…much of it along the Columbia River.

Many of the barns look like they are ready to fall over…and I bet more than a few have since my last trip up there. I was told there was a big barn along the highway that looked pretty solid that was knocked down by a bad wind storm. Somehow, someway, nature always lets us know who is really in charge.

Anyway, I call this image a sketch as I didn’t take a whole lot of time to create it. I used one of my digital watercolor filters in Photoshop that did most of the work and I just touched it up here and there. Some of my digital paintings can take hours to do. Not this one.

But that is the fun of sketching or painting, whether with real paints or pencils…or with digital plugins. I took to painting and sketching my photos just to give them a different look and to stretch the boundaries of photography. I just know I love doing it.

In thinking more about this little barn, I wonder if it is still standing…or did it go over in a wind storm like some of its bigger brothers. If it is gone, you may be looking at the last image of it ever taken. Too bad I live so far away. I would like to know the answer.

(To see a larger version of this painting, just click on the image)

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